The PostJOBMatches Difference

Direct Hire

Our recruiters are consistently meeting new candidates to ensure we always have a pool of qualified employees ready to fill your open positions. So, when your company needs assistance with special projects, or when you need to cover a vacation, leave, or unexpected vacancy, as you post your open job requisite we are taking them on and making the matches for you, and we take application after application to keep the pool full of quality candidates awaiting an employment feedback call.
PostJobMatches by WorkStaff USA can help you fill your needs quickly.

Temp to Hire
No need for your company recruitment department

Save time and money by not having to onboard and off-board a new contract recruiter(s) for candidate sourcing, we have this covered and on lock for your company.
We got this!
Unlock your Sourcing with our unique staffing techniques

Our PostJobMatches by WorkStaff USA Workforce Solutions has dedicated over 10 years to developing proven staffing and recruiting techniques for our clients. With our zero time to fill initiative, our nationally-recognized services create hiring momentum without sacrificing quality.
By partnering with our InSourcing PostJobMatches program you will receive many more candidates in record time.
Amazing system, covers the full new hire onboarding!

Resources of an elite staffing organization, PostJobMatches saves you money on each new hire.
Staffing within what your company’s budget is, we work with you to facilitate a win, win for a win.
Let us negotiate while you get the best sourcing.
Sourcing isn’t easy, but it can be affordable.
Let’s make it a win for a win for a win.

PostJobMatches finalizes your perfect fit
The PostJobMatches system is Sourcing from our modern AI’s, centralized Algorithm on your posted job’s criteria. This instance along with our 10 years of expertise will finalize the match as a perfect fit for your company.
The PostJobMatches by WorkStaff USA database will hold engaged, vetted, and qualified candidates to finalize the perfect match for your job requisite.

Hiring on a budget?
Our PostJobMatches system gives you the full control of interviewing and then hire our viable candidates to join your team and have the placement fee negotiated to fit your budget.
This can now be a faster streamlined process for everyone’s convenience.
Company, Candidate & Agency.

PostJobMatches and Diversity
PostJobMatches by WorkStaff USA has been sourcing in diverse industries and skill sets around the globe for over 10 years now and in our candidate pool you will find well rounded talent and get great PostJobMatches every time you utilize our database for sourcing and hiring.
Also, when a match isn’t available in our system, we will get a candidate match in the system for you.
We will give all candidates a chance to shine.